Methodists for Social Justice

Isaiah 1:17: “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed."
Since its founding, the United Methodist Church has taken an active stance in society and involvement in improving people's lives by addressing social issues. These beliefs are outlined in the UMC’s Social Principles, which can be found by clicking the title above. They include: Stewardship of Creation, Economic Challenges, Economic Justice, The Nurturing Community, Substance Abuse, Alcohol and Tobacco, Bullying and Other Forms of Violence, Death with Dignity, Euthanasia and Suicide, Gambling, Gender Equality and Diversity, Media and Communication Technologies, Pornography, Medical Experimentation and Research, Organ Donation and Transplantation, Reproductive Health and Abortion, Racism, Sexual Harassment, Abuse and Assault, The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms.

Methodists For Social Justice

About Methodists for Social Justice

Methodists for Social Justice (MSJ) is a ministry started by members of First United Church. The ministry focuses on the long history of the United Methodist Church’s advocacy for social justice.


What We Do

Methodists for Social Justice embraces the principles of justice today, and seeks ways to educate our community on issues where there are injustices that can be addressed. Some those these include:

    • Issues that Impact Families: On the third Sunday of each month, MSJ hosts the Let’s Keep Talking series. Held in the Conference Center during the Sunday School hour, past discussions have included Kids and Social Media, Addiction and Recovery, Homelessness in Baton Rouge, Adult Mission Opportunities and Stress & the Holidays.
    • Public Education: Many members of MSJ are active in public education where they serve as reading friends of young students.
    • Homelessness: MSJ members are active in community efforts to address Baton Rouge’s homeless problem. This include hosting a workshop that highlighted the issue in our community, cooking burrito breakfasts to feed those who live on the street and providing hygiene items to advocacy groups that assist this population.
      • Hygiene Kits: This outreach ministry provides personal hygiene items for our community’s homeless population. Through donations from church members, MSJ collect and then distribute items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap and shampoo.
    • Poverty: In January 2023, MSJ hosted a workshop by HOPE Ministries, Understanding the Dynamics of Poverty. To learn more about this event, read the article here.
    • Community Relations: Many MSJ members are active in Together Baton Rouge, a broad-based coalition of congregations and community-based organizations that addresses community problems large and small. Together Baton Rouge is deliberate about crossing the lines of race, religions, neighborhoods and political affiliation.


Get Involved

Anyone can be a member. Members of Methodists for Social Justice come not only from FUMC, but also from other congregations and walks of life and faith. MSJ members are encouraged to attend and participate in events, contribute annual dues (as they are able) for either an individual ($20) or family membership ($35).

Dues are for 12 months beginning July 1.

Meetings: MSJ meets monthly on the Second Sunday following the 11:00 am worship service.

For more information or to join, meet us at our information table each Second Sunday at FUMC in the Conference Center.