United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders, and advocating for justice. Members raise up to $20 million each year for programs and projects related to women, children, and youth in the United States and in more than 100 countries around the world. To learn more about United Women in Faith you can visit their Website.
Named for Doretha Brown, a former missionary; this Circle meets in members’ homes and shares a light meal before the monthly program begins.
Meets the third Monday of the month; at 6:00 pm at member’s homes
Contact Dottie Anklam at (661-219-1474), dottieanklam@yahoo.com
Named for and assisted in supporting the work of Methodist missionary couple, Rev. David and Dr. Mary Sue Lowry, the Lowry Circle joined with the Woodfin Circle to create a new group of faithful women who meet monthly at First United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge.
Meets the third Tuesday of the month; at 10:00 am at FUMC
Contact Marce Warner at (225-923-1469), warnerjr1@cox.net
Began in the 1970s as a Circle for working women who wanted to connect with their sisters, study, and do service in the evenings, Roberson members continue their faithful work, meeting in member’s homes.
Meets the first Monday of the month; at 6:30 pm in member’s homes
Contact Denise Akers at (225) 933-8126, denise@akerswisbar.com