
Jeremiah 31:3: “Love yesterday, today and forever.”

Tying The Knot

FUMC is honored to host many weddings each year. Due to the large number of events, please read the following throughly before attempting to schedule a wedding.

Wedding FAQ

  • Ceremonies may be scheduled as late as 6:00 pm, Monday through Saturday. Rehearsals are usually scheduled at 6:00 pm the day before the wedding.
  • Weddings will not be performed on the following days: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, days during Holy Week, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving weekend, during Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and all Sundays.
  • A deposit of $200 is due at the time of returning the Wedding Application and initialed spots in the Wedding Guidelines. This will hold the date you wish on the church calendar. Have a few wedding dates in mind – there are several calendars used to coordinate the final event date.
  • Fees for Weddings compensate the following areas: officiant, organist (not special musicians), custodial staff, and security.

Are you a member?

(The bride or groom, parents or grandparents of the bride or groom, or children of the bride or groom must have been members of FUMC for more than a year at the time of scheduling).

  • Members may reserve FUMC facilities as far in advance of the ceremony as they wish.
  • Please read the Wedding Guidelines thoroughly first to answer questions about scheduling, fees, and rules so that we can most efficiently schedule your date.
  • Once you have read the Wedding Guidelines, please initial next to each paragraph indicated and then complete the Wedding Application.
  • Non-members are allowed the Aldrich Chapel for weddings. The Aldrich Chapel seats 70 people comfortably.
  • We do not schedule weddings for non-members during the month of December.
  • Please read the Wedding Guidelines thoroughly first to answer questions about scheduling, fees, and rules so that we can most efficiently schedule your date.

Areas available for Weddings

11Aldrich Chapel
A Persian rug runs down the length of the aisle; the perfect runner for weddings. 
Sanctuary, comfortably seats 900 people